Summary The product TEST P 100mg, submitted by, underwent qualitative and quantitative analysis to confirm its composition. The sample…
Summary The product Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml, manufactured by Unique Pharma, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The…
Summary The product Boldenone Undecylenate 250 mg/ml, manufactured by EQQ Remedies, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The sample,…
Summary The product HGH, manufactured by and submitted by Arail Pharmaceuticals, underwent independent testing to verify its composition and…
Summary The product Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg/ml, manufactured by Unique Pharma, was independently tested to verify its authenticity and potency. The…
Summary The product Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg/ml, manufactured by Unique Pharma, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The sample,…