Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Lab Test Results

Shree Venkatesh Testop 100


Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 is presented in 1-milliliter ampules, labeled to contain 100 milligrams of testosterone propionate per milliliter. AnabolicLab, in its commitment to harm reduction, procured samples of this product from a European-based internet source to verify its label claims and ensure product quality. The samples were purchased between September 21, 2015, and November 7, 2015, and submitted to SIMEC AG, a trusted and internationally accredited analytical laboratory, for independent testing.

The analysis, fully funded by AnabolicLab, included HPLC-UV quantitative dosage testing, which revealed a significant discrepancy between the labeled and measured testosterone propionate content. These findings underscore the importance of independent testing to ensure consumer safety and highlight potential inconsistencies in the manufacturing process. This report is provided exclusively for educational and harm reduction purposes, offering critical insights to consumers and fostering greater accountability in the anabolic steroid market.

Testing Results and Authentication

The samples were received by SIMEC AG on November 17, 2015, and the report was finalized on December 21, 2015.

Product Overview

  • Manufacturer: Shree Venkatesh
  • Product Name: Testop 100
  • Active Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate
  • Batch Number: SA-308
  • Serial Number: g1638284569
  • Verification Code: 821E8611638 (successfully verified)
  • Manufacture Date: November 2014
  • Expiration Date: October 2017
  • Delivery Method: Injectable (1-milliliter ampules)
  • Specification: 100 mg/ml testosterone propionate

Sample Acquisition and Testing

  • Date Purchased: Between September 21, 2015, and November 7, 2015
  • Source: European-based internet supplier
  • Product Submitted By: AnabolicLab
  • Analysis Paid For By: AnabolicLab
  • Analysis Performed By: SIMEC AG
  • Date Received by Lab: November 17, 2015
  • Date Report Completed: December 21, 2015

Testing Results

Quantitative Dosage Testing (HPLC-UV):

  • Claimed Dosage: 100 mg/ml testosterone propionate
  • Measured Dosage: 31.7 mg/ml testosterone propionate
  • Accuracy: 31.7% (significantly below the label claim)
  • Variance: -68.3% (measured dosage was 68.3% below the label claim)


The analysis of Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 revealed a measured testosterone propionate content of 31.7 mg/ml, falling 68.3% below the label claim. This significant underdosing highlights potential quality control issues in the manufacturing process, raising serious concerns about product reliability. Despite successful authentication of the batch and serial numbers, the findings emphasize the need for independent testing to ensure consumer safety. By publishing this information, AnabolicLab promotes transparency in the anabolic steroid market and empowers consumers to make informed decisions.

Commitment to Harm Reduction

AnabolicLab is dedicated to reducing harm by conducting independent analyses and publishing accurate results. This approach helps consumers verify product quality, mitigates risks associated with mislabeled substances, and promotes greater accountability within the market.

The information provided here is for educational and harm reduction purposes only. AnabolicLab does not endorse or promote the use of anabolic steroids or other controlled substances.

Discuss the Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 lab test results on the AnabolicLab Forum.

(The following images are photographs of the actual product that was submitted for testing.)

Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 (testosterone propionate) Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 (testosterone propionate) Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 (testosterone propionate) Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Shree Venkatesh Testop 100

Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Dosage Quantification Lab Results [PDF]
Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Dosage Quantification Lab Results [PDF]
How many milligrams of testosterone propionate does Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 contain per milliliter? HPLC-UV (December 21, 2015) …
Size119.88 KB
Downloaded2025 times
Last UpdatedFebruary 6, 2016

Testosterone Propionate Raw Data HPLC-UV [PDF]
Testosterone Propionate Raw Data HPLC-UV [PDF]
This PDF report (6.91 MB) includes the HPLC-UV raw data from lab reports completed by SIMEC on December 21, 2015 on the following testosterone propionate products: C38096 – Alpha Pharma TestoRapid, C38097…
Size6.91 MB
Downloaded1275 times
Last UpdatedFebruary 7, 2016

63 responses to “Shree Venkatesh Testop 100 Lab Test Results”

  1. FUck you shree. really you guys sell to pharmacys??!!! full of fucking shit aand bc of that im going to joing every fucking forum and make sure everyone knows. i just was a couple hundred on you pathetic gear almost 2 months on it and hate it. waste of time a bunch of sides problems and had me aggrivated….

    • It is very clear that this website: is behind shree becos we challenged the test reports of the Masterbol 150mg.
      This fucking idiot will now everyday put one product of shree Venkatesh with negative results.
      1) This people don’t know that Shree Venkatesh is the FDA APPROVED Products supplier and are manufactured in india and as per indian law none of the products could be released with proper reports.
      2) The only reason that this website is making negative effect becos we challenged their results.

      We don’t care what they write becos they are never authorised or not Any government body.

      We are ready for any type of a joint test for our products in any laboratory.

      We are thankful to the customers who has achieved their expected results and always appreciated products.

      All the dealers don’t get tensed becos there will be more 22 products test results which will be shown negative by this fucking ANABOLIC LAB

      • “1) This people don’t know that Shree Venkatesh is the FDA APPROVED
        Products supplier and are manufactured in india and as per indian law
        none of the products could be released with proper reports.”

        The Indian FDA has never heard of you.

        • You know I had to photoshop this. FU SHREE I want 31% of my money back since your ampoules contain less than 1/3rd of active compound! Have some more FDA jokes! The only FDA approved you guys can offer is gynocomastia and FDA approved vial glass.

          • hahahahaha funny pictures :-)
            Damn Shree everyone told me that your gear was human grade A++ , good thing i never bought it and now i never even will. 31% active test for 100ml is very very low. I’ll keep using Generic supplements.

        • Gentleman if you dont know where to search the name of the company in the Indian goverment websites you should not make any false snap shots. This reveals the ignorance of your knowledge.
          All the Indian companies could be searched on: and after opening this page you could check the company name or master data of that company.

          View company or LLP Master Data
          Type the name: shree venkatesh international limited.
          Select the Company ID which u get on searching name and then when u submit u get the Data.
          I think u guys are used for simply any comments without any proper knowledge

          • lol OK. Why does not one thing come up for shree venkateah

            <~~~ everyone look for your self. Do not trust me for I am "paid off"

            Search shree venkatesh on that website. Haha not one thing pops up . So wtf are we looking at??!!?!

          • We are already sending a legal notice to Register4 less who is your domain provider that you are depreciating our brand values.
            So it is more better that you understand that you stop all this nonsense that you have started since many days

  2. This explains why I’m getting the so called tren d**k!
    Even when my prolactin was fine my d*** shriveled up to the size of a peanut.
    There’s barely any test in the ampoule, and the liquid is so thick you almost feel like they drained the gangas polluted river into the ampoule.
    From now on I’ll never buy shree unless they fix(ed) this! And then people have the balls to call them HG HUMAN GRADE!! I was mixing their test E with malaytiger/genshi tren!

    Drostanolone underdosed okay but testosterone? Are you effin kidding me!!!???
    I wasted around several hundred euros on their gear like the guy posted below me.
    I’m severely pissed off!

    • It is very clear that this website: is behind shree becos we challenged the test reports of the Masterbol 150mg.
      This fucking idiot will now everyday put one product of shree Venkatesh with negative results.
      1) This people don’t know that Shree Venkatesh is the FDA APPROVED Products supplier and are manufactured in india and as per indian law none of the products could be released with proper reports.
      2) The only reason that this website is making negative effect becos we challenged their results.

      We don’t care what they write becos they are never authorised or not Any government body.

      We are ready for any type of a joint test for our products in any laboratory.

      We are thankful to the customers who has achieved their expected results and always appreciated products.

      All the dealers don’t get tensed becos there will be more 22 products test results which will be shown negative by this fucking ANABOLIC LAB

      We are always ready for JOINT TEST and also updated on our website about this.

      • Ok if you’re willing to contribute to the community then test the products I’ve used which are Tren ace and Test E.

        Trebol 100 Batch SA – 394
        Mfg.Date 01 – 2015
        Exp.Date 01 – 2018
        Serial: N3206166674

        Teston 250 Batch: SA-307
        Mfg.Date 11 – 2014
        Exp.Date 10 – 2017
        Serial: T2207368735

    • Yeah bro I posted my convo I had with naps before these labs were even posted about the test p somewhere below in the mess. I’m so pissed I wasted a month and a half. For what I thought was human grade gear. That’s why I’m not letting up on this asshole. So other ppl don’t waste their money and time especially if they run cypionate almost two months before they’ll realize it’s shit. I’m running also npp so it was harder to tell minus when my duck stores working when I switched from GenezVa to shree

    • It is very clear that this website: is behind shree becos we challenged the test reports of the Masterbol 150mg.
      This fucking idiot will now everyday put one product of shree Venkatesh with negative results.
      1) This people don’t know that Shree Venkatesh is the FDA APPROVED Products supplier and are manufactured in india and as per indian law none of the products could be released with proper reports.
      2) The only reason that this website is making negative effect becos we challenged their results.

      We don’t care what they write becos they are never authorised or not Any government body.

      We are ready for any type of a joint test for our products in any laboratory.

      We are thankful to the customers who has achieved their expected results and always appreciated products.

      We request partners not to be tensed by this unauthenticated domain who will ask money for their results.

  3. WTF..!! I am buying the products from Shree since last 1 year and their products have never dissatisfied me.

    I am totally against the result of the anabolic lab.

    The products sold by shree are 100% verified with no harm,but this lab had some conflicts with the company and hence they started posting against them.

    Shree Venkatesh has the best product i have ever buyed.

    It is clearly seen from your mistake that you guyz are just fooling eveyone because of your any personal conflicts.

    • I want everyone who reads this to think this question to themselves.

      If you go on a forum and your just a regular guy are you going to make your user name “customer of (insert lab name here”) hahaha in this case shree. Only a a person that works for a customer and is desperate need to in everyway show that shree is used and good

  4. Never trust the results of this lab or i would say never trust this lab.
    Few days before they contacted my company and said that we can promote your company by keeping positive results of any steroid but i have to pay them many euros for it.
    For which i denied and they contacted me few more times but i denied all the time.
    Shree company as the best product i have ever got that too in affordable prices.
    F*** ur lab and the people working under u all..!!

    • “Few days before they contacted my company…”

      Your company? You gotta keep those impostor accounts straight, Pharma Care, er, I mean Father Of All Mind Game LMFAO

      • Go on meso forums and look at my account never have I posted or support any labs. I’m have been using naps gear for yrs and decided to give your human grade lab a go and what a fucking mess
        LMAO shree reps are so pathetic.

        So they contacted your company multiple times I wonder what items you sell. And why did you never mention this in any other labs that failed. LMAO until shree flunked even better I’ll post my condo I been disputing with naps before these results even came out anyone can contact directly NAPS-SUPPORT and ask HiM TO VaLIDATEs THE INFO
        ******* I will post it right under this comment
        And then you add shree is the best haha I wonder who you work for a two year old can figure this shit out

  5. Hi, It is very unbelievable about the test results that has been displayed by the anabolic lab. I have been selling Testop 100mg from shree since past 2 years and have also got tested the products from various individual laboratories and have never faced such problem. It is very hard to believe after the test results of the masterbol which was displayed by the anabolic lab.
    It is very clear from the confusions of mastebol test results that there was something unusual going between Shree lab and anabolic lab.
    I am very satisfied with shree lab since last 2 years and i dont give 3 cheers to anabolic lab for such activity.

  6. Why would this lab post for bad results, they don’t gain anything from it. Its crowed funded. Shree you people got busted for selling freaking low dosed products, while Alpha, Balkan , gen-shi, geneza are top notch products.

    • Check the post posted by Vermodje Pharma to reveal out the secret of this anabolic lab and this also proves that anabolic lab just works for money i.e., they just promote different pharma companies.
      They just ask for money from different pharma companies for promoting them and if they say no they show negative results.

      • Wow! That email was only 44 minutes old when you posted it. Vermodje sure was quick in “forwarding” it to you. Pretty coincidental, huh? LMFAO

        • Not only that but gen-shi and vermodje commenting here just registrated today. How odd and fishy, must be all shree representatives being butthurt that they are busted trying to discredit anaboliclab, vermodje and gen-shi.

  7. ive neem on shree test p for 2 months nd coulent even gete hard anymore after i switched from GP.. naps sent me new vials die to horrible bloowdw labs ork. look at all these fucking shills above. Mindgame516 from many forums ive rn Geneza , alpha, genshi and never had a problem.

    Look at all this fake BS Shree post when Millard actually contacted Shree about the gear. Every copany has a bunch of ppl that will go in forums and post positive reviews all over to boost sales of their products. you can easily figure out who they are because they are always the ppl the come in a forum with no post count and there first post is how amazing their gear is. IT has been proving time in and time out of labs doing this anyone who has been in the game knows this. The best part about this is that after the results came all of a suddden you will see exactly what i said 0 post count members anothposting about shree 8hrs after the shit results came back when there hasent been anoyposting about shree on the forum ever.

    another point why would shree have veromdje and bank accoint and post, Do you think veromdje (say for shits and gigles it was real hypotheticaly) why the fuck would veromodje go and show ppl that they payed off oo for results????? and why would they have a convo between and Vermod,???? think about it

      • yes alpha was 11 mg or so so under thats no where near enough to effect any results i do 175 EOD so tech i was doing about 150mg…
        ** USA Pharmacueticals any lab company that produces and checked by FDA has to be with in 15-20% of the actual DOSE**** so ALPHA would actully be approved and sold in USA. google it alot of generic medications if you are familiar with, you ever notice how some generics just dont feel as strong such as certain xanax and clonazapam…… (that is why)

        So do you think you would get nice feel and strenght off 600mg a week of test prop? ( not being a dick either my friend) very honest question

        • Also i come from MESO board which is all about brotherhood over their. Yes if you are new and first post is glorifying labs you will probably get shit. but anything else there are tons of member that will be more then happy to help you out with your questions. We have a sense of humor over their we all talk shit but we do it to each other and we know were messing around. Someone knew may not know and be in complete defense mode but i promise check out the forums over their. You will see the most honest reviews****** No one that is not a known member or provides proof of evidence such as blood work or labmax will have there review be taking seriously

          *********.i dont really mean it is against the rules but members run the board if you have not contributed to the forum by helping other members providing info or questions you may have, and no one knows you except another member that signed up 10 mins ago plus your first post is out of the blue is subject( joe smoe labs are awesome i put one 20lb my a lost a ton of fat and strength shot up) you goin to catch shit. If no one asked about the lab thats not helping any members or contributing. its nothing personal but go to any other forum where they have labs pay theforum to sell gear their. YOU CAN NOT POST ABOUT ANY OTHER LAB BUT THE SPONSERS… WANT A EASY TO SEE WHAT A SHILL IS. i ORDERED GEAR FROM AMERICAN TEST… TEST P TREN MAST. I WAS RUNNING A DIFF LAB BEFORE I STARTED AS SOON AS I STARTED I CRASHED NO DICK EXTREME FATIGE ANXIETY DEPRESSION NO MOTIVATION TO WORK OUT. IM SENSATIVE TO LOW T BC IM PRONE RO ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SO WHEN MY T CRASHES THEY GO THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOF AND I BECOME VERY MISERABLE.



          ***WHY WOULD YOU WASTE YOUR TIME SIGN UP FOR A ACOOUNT PUT YOUR INFO IN MAKE A NAME JUST TO TELL EVERYONE THAT WHAT YOUR RUNNING IS AMAZING AND NEVER POST AGAIN… DO YOU think that person really couldent wait to tell the world that the lab he made is awesome so he can make more money, i mean so ppl know how good it is. common sense .

  8. Hey pharma care you been selling shree for 2 years????!! whats the name of your shop?? BC shreee just started selling gear to public accoriding to you guys a couple months ago. so how were you selling them unless you are SHREE??

    ***** why cany any info be obtained online that you guys are human grade and sell to pharmacys.??info like that would be relatively open
    *** IF you guys have claimed to be from india right? why does your gear only come from singapore?? anyone that ordered shree would know that!!!@@disqus_bG5hLIboOz:disqus

    ****Whats the name of your shop and why dont you let ppl know, since you guys probly are not even a shop you will never post it, nd if you do it will be one that no one has heard of but i bet there will be a comment right under saying how awesome that shop is HMMMMM

    • mindgame11111 this username itself says that you are trying to play the games on this or you are yourself
      I have been a distributor of Shree since more then 2 years and Shree is in the market since last 3 years or more.
      You might have not checked the Manufcaturing date which itself shows that 2014 and is clear that the shree is not since last few months…but years.
      I am NOT SHREE…but i am definitely distributing the products and it has changed my life….All the stocks that i have gets immediately sold.
      Do you think i am idiot that i inform u about my address or from where the stocks come from….LOL….
      You are a paid employee of AnabolicLab and other labs who wants to destroy the image of the SHREE which is getiing more famous day by day….

      • First of FDA would never pass trenbolone lol. Haven’t you seen not IP me human grade lab has tren why Bc it is not fda approved genius

        Look me up on ironmagazine, meso mindgame516. View all my post… Mindgame was a inline skating company lol. You will see all my post have nothing to do with promoting any gear labs nor steroid testing lol . I will post my dispute I have had with ***naps- gear*** who I have used for seven yrs with no problems until shree.. why would be supporting Naps and most of their brands such as Geneza, Alpha, Genshi, dragon pharma, maxtreme. the only place that sells your gear is Naps.

        Their are plenty of reseller of all the above brands except yours.

        I think it is very disrespectful and wrong to take people’s hard earned money
        ******* this is the honest truth and best part…. Yes I recently had a bad experience with Shree gear. One test is severely under dosed and the other a little under dosed. That is one batch which say could have been bad raws. Instead of owning up to having bad batch you guys completely try and discredit deceit and mislead the public eye. You guys come blow up comments section instead of remaining professional which speaks volumes about you company’s name and reputation I don’t.
        You guys could have good gear and just had a bad batch but with all the bullshit that you been posting . You have lost all respect as a company,unprofessional, and seem to not care about pumping bad batches in fact instead of caring for us buyers you cover it up

        If your product been selling for two years and out of stock everyone and are so popular why is there absolutely nothing on shree gear. Any lab that’s out for a year and is legitimate you can type in and find info all over.

        Now I will post my NAPS- SUpPOrt convo

      • Naps-Support
        Active Member
        I have received your message, I have not receive any complaints of yet, i check with the complaint resolution as well. Please note GP and Shree are two deferent oil.
        i have exp similar issue before when switching oil perhaps receptors are saturated perhaps the oil content much slower absorbing, my best advise increase the dose to feel the affect.
        please keep me posted

        Naps-Support, Monday at 7:52 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        I was only doing 100 of gp Bc It was the only test I had until all my gp amps came since my shree came I’ve been doing 150mg-200 eod. And my strength, went down. No motivation I know how I feel when my test crash

        mindgame1516, Monday at 10:02 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        I haven’t heard any complaints Yet!!! The only batch i have received complaints
        Shree Venkatesh Masterbol 150 Lab Test Results – Anabolic Lab

        Naps-Support, Tuesday at 6:39 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        interesting thats not really complaints from anyone, those are just test results.

        when did those results come out? i was just on there a couple weeks ago.

        actually that makes me feel like its prob more realisticly underdosed. Ive never had a problem with any gear since 2008 since i have been ordering from naps. Usually I stick with GP.

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 8:32 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        i would say the test is dosed somewhere in the 40 mgs.I had to do 200mg to barley make my duck start working again. I couldn’t even get hard fucking this girl that came over. I was using GP right before I started this and I wanted to fuck everything. You know how you get when test is high you have a hard on even looking at. 50yrold woman. i bet if you test the batch you will find that out. On top of the other effects im struggling to where my weights i was getin 10 reps out dropped down to struggline for 4. no change in my diet. Shrw isent a popular brand no one really orders from them.there. is barley any feedback t or anything. i usually like to stick with GP but since i tried out alpha i liked what they had shree was very similar their suppose to be pharma grade in india. but shree is coming from asia in Singapore that is no where near India ? i dont judge on where its coming from i could care less. shit if it works it works. But I’m telling you this stuff is severely under dosed

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 8:44 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        im going to go up to 250mg ill take videos of taking the shots im not BSin. That’s how much I need to actually feel like I’m on test

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 8:45 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        Keep me posted mate

        Naps-Support, Tuesday at 9:11 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        srry about all the typos. typing when your mad equals typos

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 9:13 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        its all good i seen worse gibberish typo before,

        Naps-Support, Tuesday at 9:21 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        haha i can imagine

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 9:27 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        I just did 26ml shot

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 10:04 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        are you crazy 26ml Bro enjoy the massive lump and Ass Bump.
        it cant be 26ml all at once perhaps its typo 2.6ml

        Naps-Support, Tuesday at 10:38 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        Yes 2.6 lol

        mindgame1516, Tuesday at 10:40 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        So I stopped the shree So i did 150mg shot of another brand I know is dosed good theTEst it was 50 Suspension and 100 PROP that 2nights ago. the next day i wasi was def horny I actually was interested. When I watch porn. On the shree it was like no reaction I had no sex drive at all. Nowand actually get intcrazy and i could spank the monkey yesterday and actually shoot a load .This morning had wood and was very horny and had to spank it before I got out of bed lol I haven’t gone to the gym the last 7 days Bc I was feeling like I was sick or something I was very tired and out of it type feeling then I realized my test was crashed . and today im just back to the test high i call it that invisinle king alpha male. Went to the gym first thing in the morning had a great workout

        i will keep running it and see if the side effects of low t stay gone… im scared to get bloods on it bc i compete in very big events in the state pretty much the biggest event in boxing in the country. with in the next year i will be go proffesional and i do not want that to bite me in the ass bein accused of PEDs like every athelete in america that it happens to from DRs any one will say something for a story.

        like i said though this is the first problem ive had in 7 yrs ive always used GP and dragon pharm. i also had many disagreements or arguments with member defending naps them saying thread that naps sucks or that ppl are just trying o get free gear. Which is bullshit if someone doesnt know you from a whole in the wall but they have always came through and delivered with consistent gear time in and out. not just to me but maybe 5-6 friends i put on to naps also had no bad experience so i know when ppl say shit that its BS.

        mindgame1516, Friday at 12:03 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        ill send back the rest of my SHREE gear.

        mindgame1516, Friday at 12:04 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member
        Please provide me with the order number,
        Please provide me with any ICN# or Batch# on those Amp i need to report this to the manufacture, In additional i will see what replacement Administration is will to accommodate. How many AMPS do you have left on hand

        Naps-Support, Friday at 7:41 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        I only used 14 amps out of 50 mAybe 16 at most. I’m just getting home . I will send all the batch number and info

        mindgame1516, Friday at 8:42 PM EditReportReply
        Active Member

        mindgame1516, Friday at 8:43 PM EditReportReply

        Active Member
        mindgame1516 said: ↑
        I only used 14 amps out of 50 mAybe 16 at most. I’m just getting home . I will send all the batch number and info

        Naps-SupportI have a client is willing to grab them if i give you the address can you ship them and i will credit the shipping fee as well and replace the content with a deferent brand

        Naps-Support, Friday at 8:47 PM ReportReply
        Active Member
        Yea I guess that works

        mindgame1516, Friday at 10:03 PM EditReportReply
        12Next >
        Write your reply…

        Conversation Info
        Last Reply Date:Yesterday at 3:25 PM
        Last Reply From:mindgame1516
        Conversation Participants
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        Active Member

        MESO-Rx Forum


  9. Mates please don’t donate funds to this analytical lab, no one knows about this company.. Where all goes. Who is using funds.. No transparency no accounts details. Nor they are government authorized Organisation .. They are making money making fool of all of us…as vermodji mentioned they bribed them. RISKY TO DONATE

  10. Hey Shree– the only thing more low-end than your shit products is your behaviour in defending them.

    I just made a donation to AnabolicLab in your name, so feel free to keep talking shit…

    • Go and Visit
      Our Firm ID is: 46249
      When u put the username: 46249 you will have the Cell number of our company director and this is enough for you to believe as we cant give u the password.
      Anyone who require the presence snap shot of the FDA would be sent by email as this lab is no more posting our comments.

  11. That’s funny so vamermodje paid of correct according to you Shree… So if they were payed why did that give veromdje underdosed lab results haha Bc that makes sense…

    So they’re paying to still have under label claim gear….. Hmmmm. WHAT’s next it was Bc vermodje was 50$ short of paying for a100mg test result and can only afford a 89

  12. Do have any certificate from the Shree for conducting the test ??
    Did the package or the product was given to u directly from Shree ?
    U don’t have any right for conducting any fucking test against any company ?
    Or did u have any government agencies certificate ?

    • No actually i bought shree products and ran trials. I even posted the serial numbers and batch numbers and they are pretty much different than the ones posted by You guys are done, anaboliclab is on meso forum and so is many I’m not but I’ve seen’s guy post on that forum before these test results were even published. You got busted, move on make quality products up the price per box or live with your image being tarnashed to the point that nobody will buy your products. Let’s see how well your trebol 100 is when the results get published here. You got busted impersonating gen-shi and vermodje, I even emailed them and they are so slow that they didn’t even respond or they simply don’t care. And about Gen-Shi they are effing Japanese, do you really think they would post around here waste their time? They post their own results they are top notch. You shree fanboys or representatives are no brainers.
      By all means if you want me to registrate on meso forums and start a photoshop shree topic/contest feel free to say so. I’ve got plenty of time just like you fools wasting your time here.

    • LMFAO Shree, you got caught impersonating vermodji and genshi. You got caught selling garbage. And you got caught lying about being an Indian FDA approved pharmaceutical manufacturer.

      You have no credibility. You are finished.

    • I believe they are allowed to perform test on any product they wish. I applaud AL and their efforts to make use of these substances safer for us. It’s about time these bunk gear companies like Shree were called out for selling underdosed junk.
      Gen-Shi, go back to your sponsored eroids board where you can suck each other off and post fake reports of how wonderful your gear and the reacharounds are.

    • lmao you are fucking pathetic. I can’t believe people inject shit that has been cooked up by these retards.

      Shree is finished. You impersonating gen-shi and Vi dotted the i. Pathetic.

  13. Shree Venkatesh should have just owned up to having a bad batch and would have likely only had minimal impact on their reputation. But, you have to understand that Shree Venkatesh is run by Sanjay Gadhesariya and his brother Kishan Gadhesariya.—395-010-Gujarat

    It just so happens that the Gadhesariya brothers are known criminals in the state of Gujarat. They tried to purchase 25kg of ketamine illegally but their courier was caught. The police attempted to raid their offices, but the owners of Shree Venkatesh, the Gadhesariya brothers, had already fled.

    But, don’t worry! The brothers finally got bail and had some of their restrictions removed.

    Sanjay might even now be able to get a passport and leave India to buy more hard drugs.

    Indian FDA approved? I think not. Even after trying to bribe the police and court officials in Gujarat their case is still ongoing 6 years after they were busted.

    So, who do you believe? A couple of criminals willing to sell any product just to make a buck? Or a site primarily funded by small donations from AAS users that want to see the quality of UGLs tested in a transparent and open way?

    Keep in mind that the owner of has posted proof on MesoRX that the same IP was used to post comments from all the Shree Venkatesh representatives AND the same IP was used to post content claiming to be from Vermodje and Gen-Shi. Where does that IP resolve to? Gujarat state in India where our felonious brothers reside.

    Finally, since Shree Venkatesh has accused of photoshopping reports — a user on, posting under the source discussion page, e-mailed SIMEC and asked them to verify that the reports posted on were untouched and unmodified.

    Here was SIMEC’s response:


    I have checked the attached files:

    Report C32419: everything ok – nothing modified
    Report C34343: everything ok – nothing modified
    Report C34036: everything ok – nothing modified
    Report C32416: everything ok – nothing modified

    I hope this was of some help to you!

    Best regards,

    Removed name for security reasons

    P.S. Sanjay and Kishan — you guys are done. Your tactics will live in infamy forever on this site and MesoRX as content is not censored here. You cannot pay to have it removed and the entire AAS underground is watching. You might be able to convince a few scummy re-sellers to believe your lies, but your business practices show your true colors.

  14. We the Owner of Shree Venkatesh International Ltd here by confirms that the Controlled Samples of the Testop 100mg which we keep for our records until the expiration of the products of the above Batch Number SA-308 , Mfg Date: 11-2014 and Exp. Date: 10-2017 has been sent yesterday to an Independent Lab in India in New Delhi for restest of the products.
    If the Lab Test Results are proved Negative we confirm that the resellers and Distributors who have bought the Shree Products TESTOP 100mg of the said Batch shall be supplied to them FREE of COST for that equal Quantity of the Goods.
    We request Dealers / Distributors / Resellers / Endusers to wait for the results of the Individual Lab at which the samples have been sent for Re-Test and to not loose their trust and co-operation that they have on our company since last 3 years.
    We request all the members not to post any more stuffs as the Lab results shall be posted on this forum as well as on our websites.
    Once again we thank you for your co-operation and the trust shown in our company and the products.

  15. Shree Venkatesh is NOT an Indian FDA approved pharmaceutical manufacturer. They are a registered company in India, but their registration is for warehousing and storage, not pharmaceuticals.

    Shree Venkatesh consists of nothing more than a couple of KNOWN criminals who are engaged in the illicit drug trade, pretending to be a legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturer. Shree products are UGL grade, similar to other bathtub brewers that operate in Third World countries.

    Shree are banking on customers outside India being unable to verify their true nature.

    The proof is below:

    INTERNATIONAL LIMITED with CIN no U52100GJ2008PLC055735 is a Public
    Indian Non-Government Company incorporated on 23/12/2008. The authorized
    capital of the company is 10,000,000.00 and the paid-up capital of the
    company is 2,200,000.00.

    company registered at 1ST FLOOR,SHOP NO. 2440,SY.NO.-74,PLOT-60,WING-D,
    email id associated with the company is

    SHREE VENKATESH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is classified under industry type Transportation and storage and the status of the company is Active

  16. Please take off your faked results ….
    Nobody trusts your stupid results! All who commented here are scammers who have registrated on the same day. Strange or….?
    I run this batch too, switched from Alpha too Shree, no difference!
    32mg lol…. and how much have the other products like primo, bolde , deca? 10mg? lmao

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