A sample of GW-501516 (Cardarine) tablets, manufactured by HYB (Yurapeptide), was submitted for independent analysis to verify its potency and composition. The sample was provided by an individual consumer, Sampei, and the analysis was funded by the manufacturer, HYB. The testing was conducted by Janoshik Analytical, a laboratory specializing in pharmaceutical quality control.

The results indicate measured concentrations of 10.19 mg, 10.07 mg, and 9.93 mg per tablet, compared to the labeled claim of 10 mg per tablet. These findings confirm that the product meets its specification with slight variation, falling within an acceptable pharmaceutical margin.

Unlike most manufacturer-funded tests where the manufacturer selects and submits the sample, this case presents a unique scenario in which an individual procured the sample anonymously, minimizing potential bias in sample selection. This enhances the credibility of the results and provides stronger assurance of product consistency.

This report is published to promote transparency, harm reduction, and informed decision-making.

Detailed Report

Product Overview

Sample Acquisition and Testing

Testing Results

Component/TestSpecification (Label Claim)Measured ConcentrationAccuracyVariance
GW-50151610 mg/tablet10.19 mg/tablet101.9%+1.9%
GW-50151610 mg/tablet10.07 mg/tablet100.7%+0.7%
GW-50151610 mg/tablet9.93 mg/tablet99.3%-0.7%

Verification Details

Evaluation of Manufacturer-Funded Testing

This analysis confirms that HYB’s GW-501516 tablets closely match the label claim, with only minimal variance from the stated dosage, ranging between -0.7% and +1.9%. Such minor fluctuations are within acceptable pharmaceutical limits, indicating reliable quality control for this batch.

However, unlike most manufacturer-funded testing where the manufacturer selects the sample, this test benefits from an anonymously procured sample by an independent consumer. This greatly reduces the risk of biased sample selection, where only high-quality batches are sent for analysis. As a result, this evaluation carries more weight than standard manufacturer-funded tests and provides a more objective assessment of HYB’s product consistency.

To further strengthen confidence in product reliability, ongoing independent third-party testing across multiple batches is still recommended.


The independent analysis confirms that HYB’s GW-501516 tablets contain the stated active ingredient with measured concentrations aligning closely with the labeled specification. The minor variations in dosage are within acceptable pharmaceutical limits. These findings support product consistency and quality for the tested batch.

While manufacturer-funded testing provides valuable insights, additional third-party validation is recommended to ensure consistency across production batches. This report serves as an educational resource to support harm reduction and informed consumer choices.


This report is published for educational and harm reduction purposes. Manufacturer-funded testing may involve inherent biases; however, it can still provide useful data when critically assessed alongside independent third-party analyses. Readers are encouraged to use this information responsibly.

HYB GW-501516 Lab Test Results