A sample of Aromasin (Exemestane) tablets, manufactured by HYB (Yurapeptide), was submitted for independent laboratory analysis to verify its potency and consistency. The sample was procured anonymously by an individual consumer, Sampei, and the analysis was funded by the manufacturer, HYB. Testing was conducted by Janoshik Analytical, an independent laboratory specializing in pharmaceutical quality assessment.

The results indicate measured concentrations of 24.58 mg, 23.38 mg, and 24.60 mg per tablet, compared to the labeled specification of 25 mg per tablet. These findings confirm the presence of the active ingredient with minor variance in dosage but overall within an acceptable pharmaceutical range.

Since the sample was anonymously procured by an individual consumer, this provides a more objective perspective on the manufacturer-funded testing, reducing potential biases associated with selective batch submissions. This analysis contributes to harm reduction efforts by ensuring consumers have access to transparent and independently verified data.

Detailed Report

Product Overview

Sample Acquisition and Testing

Testing Results

Component/TestSpecification (Label Claim)Measured ConcentrationAccuracyVariance
Exemestane25 mg/tablet24.58 mg/tablet98.32%-1.68%
Exemestane25 mg/tablet23.38 mg/tablet93.52%-6.48%
Exemestane25 mg/tablet24.60 mg/tablet98.40%-1.60%

Verification Details

Evaluation of Manufacturer-Funded Testing

The test results indicate minor variation in potency, with an accuracy range between 93.52% and 98.40% of the label claim. While these deviations are relatively small, they remain within an acceptable pharmaceutical tolerance.

Because this test was funded by the manufacturer (HYB), but the sample was anonymously procured by an individual, this increases the credibility of the findings by reducing concerns that only the highest-quality batches were selected for submission. However, ongoing third-party validation across multiple batches remains essential for confirming consistent product quality.


The analysis of HYB’s Aromasin (Exemestane) tablets confirms accurate dosing with slight variations, remaining within an acceptable pharmaceutical range. The anonymously procured sample enhances the reliability of this manufacturer-funded test, allowing for a more objective evaluation of the product’s quality.

While the findings support the legitimacy of HYB’s manufacturing standards, continued independent testing remains recommended to ensure batch-to-batch consistency. This report serves as an educational resource for harm reduction and informed consumer decision-making.


This report is published for educational and harm reduction purposes. Manufacturer-funded testing may involve inherent biases; however, an independently sourced sample increases the objectivity of the findings. Readers are encouraged to interpret this information responsibly and consider third-party validation for further assurance.

HYB Aromasin Lab Test Results