A sample of QSC Primo 200 Purple Top, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC), was independently procured and submitted for laboratory analysis by Sampei, an individual consumer. The analysis was fully funded by the submitter, ensuring transparency and eliminating manufacturer influence in the results. The purpose of the test was to verify the Methenolone Enanthate concentration as claimed by the manufacturer.
Laboratory analysis determined that the Methenolone Enanthate concentration was 210.43 mg/ml, slightly exceeding the expected 200 mg/ml specification. This indicates that the batch tested meets or slightly surpasses the expected concentration, suggesting accurate dosing and consistent manufacturing quality.
These results reinforce the credibility of the QSC Primo 200 Purple Top product, supporting its intended dosing accuracy.
Detailed Report
Product Overview
- Manufacturer: Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC)
- Product Name: QSC Primo 200 Purple Top
- Batch Number: Primo 200 Purple Top
- Expiration Date: Not Provided
- Delivery Method: Injectable (Vial)
- Specification: 200 mg/ml Methenolone Enanthate
Sample Acquisition and Testing
- Task Number: #50082
- Testing Ordered: 24 SEP 2024
- Sample Received: 03 OCT 2024
- Analysis Conducted By: Janoshik
- Product Submitted By: Sampei (Individual)
- Analysis Paid For By: Sampei (Individual)
Testing Results
Component/Test | Specification (Label Claim) | Measured Concentration | Accuracy | Variance | Compliance/Remarks |
Methenolone Enanthate | 200 mg/ml | 210.43 mg/ml | 105.22% | +5.22% | Slightly above label claim |
Verification Details
- Verification URL: https://janoshik.com/tests/50082_8JGT9EYUFKN2
Evaluation of Independent Testing
The measured Methenolone Enanthate concentration exceeded the labeled specification by 5.2%, indicating a slightly higher concentration than expected. However, the overage is within reasonable limits for lab variability and dosing accuracy, suggesting consistent formulation and proper dosing.
Since this sample was independently procured by an individual rather than provided by the manufacturer, the results carry more credibility compared to manufacturer-funded analyses, which may involve selective sample submissions. This further supports the transparency and authenticity of the reported results.
The independent analysis of QSC Primo 200 Purple Top confirmed a slightly over-labeled Methenolone Enanthate concentration, indicating accurate formulation and reliable dosing. This suggests a well-formulated product with good consistency. Independent testing like this is essential for harm reduction, ensuring consumers have access to verified and quality-controlled products.
Consumers are advised to continue monitoring independent test results to ensure batch-to-batch consistency and maintain informed decision-making.
This report is published for educational and harm reduction purposes. Independent testing provides valuable insights; however, these findings pertain solely to the analyzed batch and may not represent the entire product line. Consumers are encouraged to critically assess this information alongside additional independent analyses.