Introduction Geneza Pharmaceuticals GP Test Enanthate 250 is marketed as containing 250 mg/ml of testosterone enanthate and is presented in a 10-milliliter vial. To verify its label claims and provide transparency, AnabolicLab procured samples of GP Test Enanthate 250 from a European-based internet source and submitted them for independent laboratory analysis. The analysis, conducted by […]
Alpha Pharma Nandrobolin 250 Vial Lab Test Results
October 6, 2017Summary Alpha Pharma Nandrobolin 250 is marketed as containing 250 mg/ml of nandrolone decanoate (commonly known as Deca Durabolin) and…Dragon Pharma Enantat 400 Lab Test Results
February 24, 2020Summary The product Testosterone Enanthate, tested under Dragon Pharma - Enantate 400, underwent independent analysis to verify its quality and…AM Tech Pharma Testam Propionate Lab Test Results
January 11, 2016Introduction AM Tech Pharmaceuticals Testam Propionate is presented in a 10-milliliter multidose vial and is labeled to contain 100 milligrams…