QSC Oxymetholone Lab Test Results
A sample of Oxymetholone 50 mg tablets, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC), was independently procured and submitted for laboratory
A sample of Oxymetholone 50 mg tablets, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC), was independently procured and submitted for laboratory
QSC Boldenone Undecylenate Powder, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, was anonymously procured and submitted for independent testing by an individual
A sample of QSC Testosterone Undecanoate Powder, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC), was independently procured and submitted for laboratory
A sample of QSC Primo 200 Purple Top, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC), was independently procured and submitted for
A sample of QSC HGH 36 IU Purple Top, manufactured by Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (QSC), was anonymously procured and submitted
An anonymous sample of raw Oxandrolone powder was submitted for independent testing to verify its purity. The sample, identified as