Hilma BioCare Methenolone Enanthate was determined to have an actual content of 99.5 mg/ml methenolone enanthate compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml.
No microbiological contamination was detected.
SIMEC Test Report C67092 (March 14, 2018): Hilma BioCare Methenolone Enanthate Lab Test...
ParaPharma Primo 100 was determined to have an actual content of 95.3 mg/ml methenolone enanthate compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml.
No microbiological contamination was detected.
SIMEC Test Report C67084 (March 14, 2018): ParaPharma Primo 100 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab
Dure Pharma Dureprim-E was determined to have an actual content of 113.5 mg/ml methenolone enanthate compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml.
No microbiological contamination was detected.
SIMEC Test Report C67083 (March 14, 2018): Dure Pharma Dureprim-E Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab
Med-Tech Solutions Primo Depot was determined to have an actual content of 91.8 mg/ml methenolone enanthate compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml.
No microbiological contamination was detected.
SIMEC Test Report C67081 (March 14, 2018): Med-Tech Solutions Primo Depot Lab Test Results -...
We have many more methenolone enanthate lab test results coming up this month (March 2018)! Keep an eye of this page for the latest updates:
Methenolone Enanthate Archives - Anabolic Lab
Valkyrie Pharmaceutical Primobolan 100 was determined to have an actual content of 100.6 mg/ml methenolone enanthate compared to a label claim of 100 mg/ml.
No microbiological contamination was detected.
SIMEC Test Report C67070 (March 14, 2018): Valkyrie Pharmaceutical Primobolan 100 Lab Test...
Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolon was determined to have actual content of 9.67 mg/tablet of oxandrolone compared to a label claim of 10 mg/ml.
SIMEC Test Report C67100 (March 13, 2018): Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolon Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab
Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolon lab...