Stanford Pharma Testosterone Propionate Lab Test Results
Stanford Pharma Testosterone Propionate was submitted for laboratory analysis to verify its content and purity. The product was provided by
Stanford Pharma Testosterone Propionate was submitted for laboratory analysis to verify its content and purity. The product was provided by
Stanford Pharma’s Testosterone Enanthate was submitted for independent testing to verify its label claims regarding active ingredient concentration. The sample
A sample of Stanford Pharma Testosterone Cypionate was submitted for independent laboratory analysis to verify its composition and potency. The
Summary The product Deca 250 mg/ml, manufactured by FriezaPharm, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The sample,
Summary The product Drostanolone Enanthate, manufactured by Imperium Pharma, underwent independent testing to verify its concentration and quality. The sample,
Summary The product Trenbolone Enanthate, manufactured by Imperium Pharma, underwent independent testing to verify its concentration and quality. The sample,
Summary The product Nandrolone Decanoate, manufactured by Imperium Pharma, underwent independent testing to verify its concentration and quality. The sample,
Summary The product Testosterone Enanthate, manufactured by Imperium Pharma, underwent independent testing to verify its concentration and quality. The sample,
The product TEST P 100, manufactured by FriezaPharm, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The sample, identified
Summary The product Primo E, from an Axle Labs manufacturer, underwent independent testing to determine its concentration and authenticity. The