SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250 Lab Test Results

SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250
Anabolic Lab
April 2, 2018


SIS Sustanon 250, a multi-ester testosterone blend, was submitted by for independent analysis to validate its label claims. Testing was conducted by SIMEC AG, a reputable analytical laboratory specializing in pharmaceutical quality control. The product was manufactured under batch number 001-30540 in January 2016 and has an expiration date of January 2020.

The analysis confirmed the presence of all labeled testosterone esters, with measured concentrations slightly exceeding the label claims for each compound. The total measured concentration was consistent with the labeled specification, ensuring the product’s potency and adherence to quality standards. Microbiological testing also verified the absence of contamination, underscoring the product’s safety for use.

This report highlights the importance of transparency in the anabolic steroid market and supports informed decision-making for harm reduction purposes.

Detailed Report

Product Overview

  • Manufacturer: SIS Labs
  • Product Name: Sustanon 250
  • Batch Number: 001-30540
  • Manufacture Date: January 2016
  • Expiration Date: January 2020
  • Delivery Method: Injectable

Sample Acquisition and Testing

  • Task Number: C 67067
  • Testing Ordered: 28 February 2018
  • Sample Received: 28 February 2018
  • Analysis Conducted By: SIMEC AG
  • Product Submitted By:
  • Analysis Paid For By:

Testing Results

Testosterone EsterSpecification (Label Claim)Measured ConcentrationAccuracyVariance
Testosterone Propionate50 mg/ml53.7 mg/ml107.40%+7.40%
Testosterone Phenylpropionate50 mg/ml52.7 mg/ml105.40%+5.40%
Testosterone Isocaproate50 mg/ml55.3 mg/ml110.60%+10.60%
Testosterone Decanoate100 mg/ml102.9 mg/ml102.90%+2.90%
Microbiological TestingResultSpecification
TAMC<1 KBE/mlComplies
TYMC<1 KBE/mlComplies

Verification Details

  • Verification URL: Not provided

Evaluation of Independent Testing

The independent analysis of SIS Sustanon 250 confirms accurate dosing for all active ingredients, with slight variances exceeding the label claim. These findings reflect strong quality control and manufacturing consistency. Furthermore, the absence of microbiological contamination enhances the product’s safety profile.

While this batch meets high standards, the findings pertain only to the tested sample. Independent validation across multiple batches is essential to ensure consistent quality for end users.


The analysis of SIS Sustanon 250 by SIMEC AG demonstrates adherence to label claims, with measured concentrations of testosterone esters exceeding the specification by minor margins. The product also passed microbiological safety testing, making it a reliable choice for its intended use. Continued independent testing is crucial to maintain transparency and ensure consumer safety.


This report is published for educational and harm reduction purposes. While independent testing provides valuable insights, results are specific to the tested batch and may not reflect the entire product line. Readers are encouraged to cross-reference these findings with additional analyses and use this information responsibly.

Analysis of SIS Sustanon 250

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(The following images are photographs of the actual product that was submitted for testing.)

SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250
SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250
SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250
SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250
SIS Laboratories Sustanon 250