Stanford Pharma Testosterone Propionate Lab Test Results
Stanford Pharma Testosterone Propionate was submitted for laboratory analysis to verify its content and purity. The product was provided by
Stanford Pharma Testosterone Propionate was submitted for laboratory analysis to verify its content and purity. The product was provided by
Stanford Pharma’s Testosterone Enanthate was submitted for independent testing to verify its label claims regarding active ingredient concentration. The sample
A sample of Stanford Pharma Testosterone Cypionate was submitted for independent laboratory analysis to verify its composition and potency. The
A sample of Testosterone Cypionate 300, manufactured by HYB (Yurapeptide), underwent independent testing to verify its potency. The sample was
A sample of Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) injectable, manufactured by HYB (Yurapeptide), was independently tested to verify its potency. The sample
Summary The product Deca 250 mg/ml, manufactured by FriezaPharm, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The sample,
Summary The product SUS B1, manufactured by NeoAnabolics, underwent independent testing to verify its authenticity and potency. The sample was
Summary The anabolic steroid EQ B2, produced by NeoAnabolics, was independently analyzed to confirm its composition and potency. The sample
Summary The product TC B2, manufactured by NeoAnabolics, underwent independent testing to verify its composition and potency. The sample was
Summary The product Drostanolone Propionate, manufactured by NeoAnabolics, underwent independent testing to verify its composition and potency. The sample was